
In Celebration of #CollegesWeek 2024, we have been asking for success stories from our former and existing students. This is where we got to speak with Maisy.

 Maisy began her education with Buckinghamshire College Group within our Foundation Learning Department. After successfully completing that course, Maisy moved onto study Level 1  Diploma in ICT and there she also completed her English and Maths GCSE. Maisy completed her Level 1 Diploma in ICT and passed her English and Maths GCSE with flying colours! By this point, Maisy had caught the academic bug and went on to study T Level in Digital Support Services, which she also successfully passed just last year. 

Since then, Maisy has transtioned onto University and began studying for her degree in Computer Networks Engineering. For Colleges Week, we decided to ask Maisy for an update, and she didnt disappoint. 

"My time at college was great, after being out of school for a little while... I needed to catch up, and Kieran was a great help with my confidence and made it so that I wanted to go into college. The Staff were active on any issues that I may of had. Anyone who were not very nice were quickly spoken too... I felt accepted within the class and it was like a small family.  After completing Kierans Class, i went to Level 1 ICT, completed my gcses.. with a passing grade.. and then did a T-Levels In Digital Support Services, Graduated with A Merit in 2023.
I've recently learnt how to drive, it took me quite a few attempts, but I stayed at it as driving is very important and valuable to me. I failed a few times.. but stayed consistant and eventually was able to pass and get my driving license; and I love driving! This has allowed me to be able to get a job, and be independent enough to drive to work. It's been a great was to get my independence, earning my own money.
I'm now at university, in my first year of studying Computer Networks Engineering, and I have made some good friends."
All of the staff here at Buckinghamshire College Group are proud to share Maisy's accomplishments this Colleges Week! Congratulations on all your success Maisy; we can't wait to hear all the wonderful things you get up to in your future career!
Maisy Jones
If you're a past student, we want to share your success story too! Please send them over to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


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